Union Opposed To First Nations-Owned Remand Centre

Friday, December 17, 2010 at 14:29



The SGEU says a proposal to hand responsibility for a proposed new remand centre in Saskatoon to a First Nations consortium “is not the way to go”.


Union president Bob Bymoen says the corrections system belongs in public hands — adding the government relinquishes its ability to set policies, oversee program delivery and monitor outcomes when a large institution is handed to a third party.


He adds the union believes “First Nations need to be involved in meaningful ways”, but the SGEU wants to see that happen within a public corrections system.


Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Chief Guy Lonechild says the idea is still very new, and the $90 million price tag is an estimate based on a corrections needs assessment.


In a recent media interview, minister responsible Yogi Huyghebaert said he had not yet seen a proposal from the FSIN.


The minister also said the idea was brought up in cabinet several months ago, but is “not under active consideration”.