Language Advocates Launch Cree Literacy Network

Thursday, September 16, 2010 at 14:42



Cree speakers and writers across the country are being encouraged to join the new Cree Literacy Network.


It was launched yesterday in Saskatoon.


The network’s aim is to fill the need for books that will help people become fluent Cree readers and writers, and to allow speakers from across the country to share published resources.


Delores Sand’s mother, Freda Ahenakew, is one of the founders of the network.


Sand says preserving the language is key to Cree people’s identity.


Meanwhile, educators and other experts are discussing Aboriginal language retention this week at an Aboriginal language and culture conference in La Ronge.


Dr. Herman Michell is the executive director of the NORTEP/NORPAC program.


He says one issue he feels is important is returning to the original Aboriginal language names for places of cultural significance in the province.


Michell also says teachers must keep up with technological advances to pass along Aboriginal languages to the younger generation.