Murder Should Not Be Romanticized: Outreach Worker

Thursday, January 07, 2010 at 12:25



An outreach worker in Prince Albert says she fears the recent death of a gang leader at the Saskatchewan Penitentiary could be romanticized, if it’s not viewed in the proper light.


This week, a huge fight at the institution left one dead and two injured.


The deceased inmate, Daniel Richard Wolfe, was a co-founder of the Indian Posse who was recently jailed for his role in several murders during a gang-related home invasion in Fort Qu’Appelle.


Carrie McCloy is the crisis counsellor for the Warrior Spirit Walking program, an initiative that helps young people escape gangs and violence in Prince Albert.


McCloy says young people may think gangs are about money and cars, but the reality is much different.


“Many kids do look up to the idea of being in a gang, just because of the materialistic things that they might get, but really, when they do get involved and get to the point where they are realy involved, then the negative consequences, the reality I guess, of gangs starts to hit home for them,” she says.


McCloy adds that young people often turn to gangs to fill basic needs, like friendship and finding a consistent place to sleep.