Moosomin First Nation Hosts Olympic Torch

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 11:59



The grandstands were full to overflowing as the Olympic torch came to the Moosomin First Nation yesterday.


Cody Kahpeaysewat of the Moosomin First Nation carried it first, and then Tashynna Tipewan carried it for the Saulteaux First Nation.


Dione Kardynal was the third torch bearer. She carried it for the village of Cochin.


The run was extra special for Tipewan, because yesterday was also her 14th birthday.


She says at first she was pretty nervous, but then she got excited.


“My hands were getting all sweaty, and I didn’t know if I could do it, but then once I started running, I just wanted to keep going — but then they made me stop,” she says.


Afterwards, a feast was held at the Saulteaux First Nation.