Metis Leader Addresses FSIN Assembly

Wednesday, June 09, 2010 at 15:46



For the first time in contemporary history, the president of the Metis Nation – Saskatchewan addressed the FSIN Legislative assembly this morning in Regina.


MN-S President Robert Doucette called it a historic moment and asked First Nations chiefs and delegates to work with the Metis Nation because they share the same issues — such as the duty to consult.


Doucette says the Metis Nation will work with First Nations to ensure their treaty rights are protected.


Earlier, greetings from Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco brought details of an Aboriginal summit to be held next spring.


Fiacco says the city will host four western provinces in cooperation with the FSIN.


The mayor says the summit will celebrate First Nations successes in economic development, education and training — as well as the role of municipalities.