Judge Questions Nanatakapo’s Version Of Events

Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 12:16



A judge has delayed his decision in the trial of a Big River man accused of shooting a rifle near some boaters on Delaronde Lake in 2008.


In a hearing on the Whitefish reserve today, Judge Gerald Morin said he wanted to talk to the original Crown prosecutor on the case before he determined the fate of Victor Nanatakapo.


The traditional land user faces one count for careless use of a firearm.


A family of boaters say he fired at them while they were fishing.


Nanatakapo testified during the course of the trial he used a shotgun, but that he fired it into the air and was just trying to scare them.


However, Morin said today some testimony given during the trial suggests Nanatakapo might not have been the one who pulled the trigger.


Morin said one of the witnesses heard a voice yelling that didn’t belong to the accused, and that when police arrived, someone else ran away.


Morin said he wants to ask the Crown if it’s open to him to reject the evidence.


Speaking outside the courthouse, though, Nanatakapo insisted he did fire the shot.


The case will pick up again on Feb. 8.