Young Mom Continues Housing Protest
Monday, October 04, 2004 at 15:25
The protest of a young homeless mother of three in Sandy Bay continues today.
Linda Beatty started living in a canvas tent next to the local housing authority last week, but has since moved her protest to a wooden hut on the lot.
She says she won’t leave until her long-standing request for a home of her own is granted.
Beatty says she hasn’t received any response from local housing officials, and admits she has thought about quitting her protest.
Saskatchewan Housing spokesman Fred Wolch says there are about four homes in Sandy Bay that will be ready for new tenants within the next two months.
He also says a protest like Beatty’s will not have any bearing on whether she gets a home.
Wolch also encourages leaders in Sandy Bay to apply for funding under a new 5-year, 200-million provincial housing inititative.