Womens’ Shelters Sought in Northern Saskatchewan

Friday, October 08, 2004 at 13:28



Saskatchewan’s justice minister says smaller northern communities need shelters for women.


Frank Quennell is making the comments in the wake of the recent Amnesty International report about violence against Aboriginal women.


Recently, Quennell travelled to several northern communities to ask what issues concern them. Quennell says a recurring theme was the need for women’s shelters.


Quennell says these smaller communites have a harder time getting shelters because of a lack of resources, and he promises to look into the issue.


The Amnesty International report criticized all levels of government, as well as police agencies, for a lack of sensitivity about missing or murdered Aboriginal women.


Quennell says his department has increased the number of Aboriginal officers in the North and started more cultural sensitivity training for non-Aboriginal officers.