Woman Pleads Guilty To Helping Fix MNS Election

Thursday, April 26, 2007 at 15:23



A total of six people have now pleaded guilty to tampering with the last Metis Nation of Saskatchewan election.


32-year-old North Battleford resident Karen Lennie is the latest to enter a guilty plea to forgery.


She changed her plea from “not guilty” earlier this week in North Battleford Provincial Court.


Lennie will serve a 17-month, 20-day conditional sentence, and will be on probation for 18 months after that.


A total of 10 people were charged following the 2004 vote.


The cases against former high-ranking MNS officials Ralph Kennedy and Henry Cummings still haven’t been dealt with by the courts.


And, the RCMP is indicating more people will be charged.


This past weekend, Metis citizens agreed to overhaul their election process and hold a new vote later this year.