Wollaston Getting Tough On Pushers And Bootleggers

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 at 15:39



Students on the Hatchet Lake First Nation held a protest today to make a statement about drugs and alcohol in their community.


The students decided to hold the demonstration today, as it is the community’s court day and also the day that welfare cheques come out.


Signs were put up at the airport as the court plane came in, and the students followed the court party to the hall where proceedings are held.


Chief Rosalie Tsannie-Burseth says the protest is just the beginning.


She says the the band has given drug and alcohol abusers a choice to get clean or face the consequences of having their welfare cheques withheld.


Tsannie-Burseth adds they have shared a list of drug dealers and bootleggers with the police.


The Hatchet Lake First Nation is a “dry” reserve.