Weyerhaeuser Reveals Details of Road Agreement

Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 15:20



Logging trucks for Weyerhaeuser will now be taking a new route when driving to and from Dore Lake.


Weyerhaeuser spokesman Stan Holmes says he feels good about a recent meeting that took place between the company and several residents of Dore Lake in regards to the amount of truck traffic on Highway 924.


The residents claim the road is subject to safety concerns due to the high number of vehicles hauling logs back and forth on it.


They recently threatened to block the road unless something was done about the situation.


In response, Holmes says Weyerhaeuser has decided to divert as much logging traffic off the Dore Lake highway as possible.


In addition, the company pledges to rebuild much of Highway 924 this year and next.


Holmes says he hopes the dispute is, at least, partially solved by these two moves.


Meanwhile, Dore Lake mayor Carl Fesic had indicated he thought another meeting between the two sides would be occurring soon.


Holmes says as far as he knows, nothing is set in stone — but he says he looks forward to more dialogue on the issue.