West Wind Pilots To Join Union

Monday, April 20, 2009 at 12:38



The pilots of a First Nations-owned Saskatchewan air carrier have voted to unionize.


According to a release from the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers (CEP) union of Canada, the pilots at West Wind Aviation have agreed to join the union’s ranks.


The union says the pilots originally made contact last October because of concerns about scheduling and other workplace problems.


The release doesn’t spell out how many of the pilots actually voted in favour of joining CEP, only that a majority of them indicated their support for unionization by signing union cards.


The union says this is the first time a unit of pilots has asked to join the union. However, it believes there are other pilots who have similar wishes.


The Canada Industrial Relations Board will check over the union order to make sure everything is okay before recognizing it.


The Prince Albert Grand Council’s development corporation has a majority stake in West Wind Aviation, along with the Meadow Lake Tribal Council.


Officials with the airline and CEP weren’t immediately available for comment.