Urban Reserve Future Site Of Diabetes Centre

Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 14:58



Saskatchewan’s health minister says he’s pleased with the announced construction of a major health facility on a First Nations urban reserve.


Yesterday, government officials joined representatives of the Muskeg Lake Cree Nation for a sod-turning ceremony on a parcel of land the band owns in Saskatoon.


Under the terms of the deal, a wellness centre and a diabetes centre of excellence will be built through the efforts of both parties, as well as the federal government.


Health Minister Len Taylor says the potential of the site is tremendous.


He says the diabetes centre will develop and provide support networks for any group in the province offering diabetes prevention and care services.


Taylor says the province will contribute $650,000 annually to assist with operations at the site.


The wellness centre will include a medical clinic and a pharmacy.


The facility could open as early as next year.


Muskeg Lake Chief Gilbert Ledoux says the negotiations have been taking place for five years, and their completion is a positive step for First Nations people.