Uranium Mining Has Come A Long Way

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 at 15:58



This is Saskatchewan Mining Week, and the industry is using the occasion to reflect on the progress that’s been made over the years.


Cameco spokesman Jamie McIntyre says, the uranium industry, for example, has made significant gains in worker safety, reclamation and Aboriginal employment over the last few decades.


McIntyre says worker safety is now most companies’ top consideration, and he blames problems in the past on a lack of scientific information.


McIntyre also says strict guidelines are in place to make sure companies do everything they can to protect the environment, but he acknowledges that wasn’t always the case.


McIntyre says mining companies have always had a desire to hire people from northern communities at northern mine sites, but he admits companies have a much better idea now of how to make that happen.


Cameco and AREVA are generally recognized to be the largest employers of Aboriginal people in Canada.