Uranium Co. Sees Support For Nuclear Expansion

Thursday, June 18, 2009 at 14:55



A spokesperson for a uranium mining company says people in this province support looking at uranium development, despite what might be coming out of the uranium forums being held across the province this month.


The provincial government is holding public forums in various communities where people are allowed to voice their opinions and ask questions.


Alun Richards is with AREVA, and he says the topic of uranium development is often a touchy subject.


“It’s a very technical subject and it’s gotten emotional with some. I’m not sure how much people are learning at the forums, but it’s certainly raising the issue — there’s a lot of discussion,” Richards says.


Richards says AREVA polls around 800 to 1,000 people every six months, and he says the results have always shown that people are supportive of the nuclear industry that exists already in the province, and that they’d consider the idea of a power plant.


The Uranium Development Partnership consultation meetings wrap up next week with meetings in Stony Rapids, Fond du Lac, and Wollaston Lake.