UDP Chair Agrees With Focus On Uranium Research

Friday, December 18, 2009 at 10:46



The chair of the Uranium Development Partnership says it makes sense to hold off on nuclear energy in Saskatchewan.


Dr. Richard Florizone headed up the group that prepared a report for the provincial government on this issue, to which Energy and Resources Minister Bill Boyd formally responded yesterday after several months of public consultation.


“So, I don’t see the door closed. I didn’t hear that on nuclear power. What I hear is that right now, it doesn’t make sense going out to 2020, which isn’t a very long time frame in the electricity-generating world. And I think that makes a lot of sense,” Florizone says.


Florizone says that the report recommended research and development of uranium.


The government says their “strategic direction for uranium development” includes continued mining, exploration and encouraging investment.


First Nations and Métis will continue to be consulted through the development of a policy framework.


Saskatchewan is the second largest source of uranium in the world.