Trial Into Little Red Homicide Continues

Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 15:21



Details surrounding the death of a man on the Little Red River reserve are slowly beginning to come out at a trial in Prince Albert.


29-year-old Clayton Ballantyne was fatally stabbed on a road on the reserve in the early morning hours of August 8th, 2005.


Court heard from roughly half a dozen witnesses this morning as the fourth day of the trial got underway.


Gilbert Charles testified he and a number of other people were drinking with Ballantyne and the man accused of killing him, Henry James Bird, the night in question.


Charles says they started drinking at a friend’s house that afternoon before eventually making their way to other parts of the reserve.


He stated he was driving a truck filled with people in both the cab and box when they neared a local residence.


As soon as they slowed up, he saw someone in the back of the truck suddenly jump up, and then he heard screaming.


According to Charles, everyone jumped out and that is when he noticed Ballantyne laying on the ground.


Another man, William Halkett, had also been stabbed.


Charles and the others ran for help.


A defence attorney for the accused asked Charles if he had seen Henry approach the truck.


Charles replied “No”.


Also taking the stand this morning was Fletcher Bird, Henry’s brother.


Bird testified he was woken up in the night by his brother, who was upset and wanted in.


He said Henry was combative and toppled over his fridge.


Bird couldn’t remember what his brother said, but he asked him to leave.


The Crown has now rested its case.


The prosecution and the defence will now argue procedural matters today and tomorrow.


The jury will be excused until Monday, when the defence begins its case.