Treasury Board Approves Cash Transfer To Metis

Friday, March 30, 2007 at 15:18



It’s an important day for four northwest Saskatchewan Metis communities who were adversely affected by the creation of a weapons range in the 1950s.


Federal officials are in Beauval today to formally sign over the $15-million federal portion of the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range economic development package.


The federal government finalized the deal with Beauval, Ile-a-la-Crosse, Cole Bay and Jans Bay earlier this year.


However, Metis negotiator and Beauval mayor Alex Maurice points out the federal treasury board approved the transfer of funds just yesterday.


Maurice says he hopes this deal will serve as a template for other Metis claims in Canada — noting not too many Metis communities can say they’ve received millions of dollars from Ottawa.


Representatives of the communities involved will oversee the disbursement of funds with the assistance of federal and provincial officials.


The money will be used for economic development projects, scholarships and housing improvements. A small amount will also be given to elders who were forced off their land, in exchange for providing a cultural education for area youth.


Maurice says the cash will be in a trust account by May 1st. He says the funds could start being disbursed soon after that date — if the board in charge of the trust account acts quickly to establish the necessary guidelines.


The Metis communities are also hoping to finalize a similar $4.5-million deal with the provincial government.