Trappers Hear Details Of Income Security Plan

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 13:45



Proposed subsidies for trappers was one of the issues talked about at the Northern Saskatchewan Trappers’ Assocation’s annual meeting this past weekend in Prince Albert.


A number of other issues were also discussed at length — including marketing, how to revive the fur industry, and issues with government.


But trappers were all ears when Serge Lariviere of the Quebec Cree Hunters Security Board gave a presentation on an income security program for trappers that’s currently in place in his province.


Lariviere says the Quebec government introduced the program over two decades ago.


It sees full-time James Bay Cree trappers paid $50 a day to go out on to their trap lines — and he estimates 20 per cent of the James Bay Cree population is taking advantage of the program.


He says the initiative is aimed at those Cree harvesters who spend at least 120 days in the bush a year.


Lariviere adds many of the harvesters who take part in the program also have seasonal jobs throughout the rest of the year.


He says a maternity benefit is available to Cree women who live the traditional lifestyle, as well.


Many Saskatchewan trappers attending this weekend’s gathering said they would like to see a similar model adopted in this province.