Tories Decline To Respond To AFN Questionnaire

Monday, October 06, 2008 at 13:39



The head of the Assembly of First Nations is pleased with the responses he’s received from four of the five political parties to a questionnaire sent to the federal leaders on First Nations issues last month.


The Liberals, NDP, Bloc Quebecois, and Green Party responded to the questionnaire, while the Conservatives did not.


National Chief Phil Fontaine says the support of the four parties demonstrates and reinforces the AFN’s view that a majority of Canadians are supportive of First Nations issues.


However, he was disappointed First Nations issues didn’t receive much attention during last week’s televised leaders’ debates.


Questionnaire topics included how to work towards reconciliation, the party stance on consultation if there is development on traditional First Nations’ land, and whether the party would implement the United Nations’ Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.