Tootoosis Endorses Northern NDP Candidate

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at 15:47



Northern Saskatchewan’s NDP candidate is receiving backing from some notable Aboriginal artists.


Actor Gordon Tootoosis and musicians John Arcand and Ray Villebrun have placed their support behind Anita Jackson, based on her advocacy for the performing arts and cultural preservation.


Tootoosis, who has played roles in a number of major Hollywood films, says Jackson is a close friend of his. He feels she’s a great candidate because she’s very real, honest, and genuine.


Jackson says its an honour to receive the support of these well-known Aboriginal role models during the election campaign.


She says many northern artists do not get the same opportunities as those in the south because of a lack of funding and performance facilities.


Jackson adds, if elected, she will continue to support and promote northern Aboriginal artists in Ottawa, and push for government grants and funding to help them succeed.