Timber Bay Survivors Not Part Of Class-Action Suit

Friday, August 14, 2009 at 14:58



A lawyer for survivors of the Timber Bay day school says there are no plans at this time to join a high-profile class-action lawsuit against the federal government.


Recently, day school survivors from Manitoba launched a $15 billion suit against Ottawa for the abuse many suffered at the institutions.


Unlike regular residential schools, day school students were allowed to go home at night.


However, many of them say they suffered the same abuse that other school survivors did — it was just under the light of day.


Michael Swinwood is a lawyer for the Lac La Ronge Indian Band.


He says they plan to talk to the Manitoba officials responsible for the lawsuit — but they are still proceeding with their own bid for recognition.


Swinwood says they have drawn up a timetable with the federal government to talk about the situation.


He says Timber Bay needs to have its material filed by the end of September, while Ottawa has been given until the end of December.


Affadavits will be filed early in the New Year.


The survivors are hoping to land the school on the list of institutions that are included in the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement.