Tax Arrears Program Doing Well in Buffalo Narrows

Thursday, April 29, 2004 at 12:31



The success of a tax repayment program in Buffalo Narrows has apparently caught the eye of some other northern communities.


The administrator for Buffalo Narrows, Laura Durocher, says the Community Arrears Assistance Program was started back in 1998 in an effort to repay money owed to the Northern Lights School Division.


Durocher says under the terms of the deal, landowners were given two years to make monthly installments of the tax dollars they owed to the local authority.


Funds which were later paid out to the school division.


She says approximately 70 per cent of those residents who were contacted decided to participate in the arrangement.


Since that time she adds a number of other communities have contacted her office to find out how to start programs of their own.