Swine Flu Spreading In Northern Saskatchewan

Thursday, June 25, 2009 at 13:01



Doctors in the province’s north continue to remind residents to wash their hands in the face of the spreading H1N1 virus — now that seven more cases of the illness have been confirmed in various communities.


That brings to 12 the total number of cases in northern Saskatchewan.


The north’s deputy medical health officer, Dr. Monika Dutt says, fortunately though, all of the cases have been of the mild variety.


Dutt says so far the virus has spread fairly evenly through the North, with a slight concentration on the east side.


Meantime, the Public Health Agency of Canada is developing a priority list for vaccinations for the H1N1 virus.


But details of the priority list have not been released, and Health Canada has not indicated who will be at the top of this list.


Experts have indicated First Nations and people aged five to 40 should receive the first batch of immunizations.


The Public Health Agency of Canada’s website says a vaccination for the virus will be available for everyone in November.