Support Program For Kokums Earns Praise

Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 15:09



A kokum says a health and social support circle for Aboriginal grandmothers in Saskatoon is fantastic.


Rose Atimoyoo says it’s so great, it should be in every community in the province.


The Saskatoon support group celebrated its 17th anniversary earlier this week.


The group meets at the Saskatoon Community Clinic.


It helps aboriginal grandmothers deal with health issues.


The kokums also help each other socially and emotionally in person or on the phone.


They also get help to go to doctor’s appointments or other outings.


Atimoyoo says the support is powerful, and meetings usually feature both tears and laughter.


Since 1992, the group has grown from four or five people to 52.


Atimoyoo estimates about 35 of them are active participants.