Study Aimed At Compiling Metis Health Statistics

Thursday, April 30, 2009 at 12:55



Metis people in Saskatchewan are being encouraged to make themselves available for some research that could pave the way for future health delivery to the Metis community.


A province-wide survey from now until the end of June will help quantify indicators of health of Metis in Saskatchewan.


Researchers from the University of Saskatchewan and the First Nations University will be asking Metis citizens to provide insight on chronic diseases, access to health services and cultural relevance in treatment.


Interim Metis Nation – Saskatchewan health director Kelly Patrick says there is very little research about the health of the Metis population, making it difficult to convince governments to provide Metis-specific health programming.


Patrick says a preliminary report on the research should be ready by mid-July, with a final report expected by the end of September.


She says the findings will be incorporated into a feasibility study examining whether governments should establish a Metis health and wellness strategy.


That study is to be presented to the province and Ottawa in mid-October.