Sponsorship Scandal Concerns Metis Leaders

Friday, April 08, 2005 at 15:42



The Metis National Council is keeping a close eye on the controversy currently swirling around the Liberal party.


For the last four years, the MNC has been pushing Ottawa to enter a framework agreement with the Metis that would serve as the basis for rights and funding negotiations.


MNC president Clem Chartier says Paul Martin appears willing to enter such an arrangement, as long as it’s made clear that the feds aren’t assuming legal responsibility for the Metis in the process.


However, Chartier admits he’s worried the sponsorship scandal and a possible snap election call could scuttle those plans.


Chartier says if Martin gets the approval of his cabinet to proceed with this initiative, the MNC is hoping to have a deal signed at this summer’s Back to Batoche celebration.