Sonntag Driving Athabasca Seasonal Road

Wednesday, September 27, 2006 at 14:50



Saskatchewan’s minister of First Nations and Metis Relations has embarked on a trip few politicians have dared to attempt.


Maynard Sonntag is driving to the Far North — a trek that will take the better part of two days.


He will be taking the Athabasca Seasonal Road, which is often used by locals but is not maintained this time of year.


Department spokesman Richard Gladue says Sonntag will be “overnighting” at a Department of Highways work camp this evening, and plans to arrive in Stony Rapids sometime tomorrow.


Sonntag is also scheduled to make a stop in Black Lake.


Gladue insists Sonntag is not making the trip to discuss any one issue, but he admits the handling of a forest fire this summer will likely come up.