Smooth Debut For La Ronge Youth Curfew

Monday, July 11, 2005 at 14:40



It’s likely going to take awhile for youth in La Ronge to get used to the new curfew, but the local Mounties feel its first weekend of implementation went well.


The 11:00 pm curfew came into effect Friday evening, and affects youth under the age of 18.


RCMP Sergeant Kirk Munro says they were in contact with at least seven youth over the course of the weekend.


He says their names were taken down and they were instructed to go home.


To his knowledge, the officers didn’t get any grief from the youngsters they apprehended.


Munro says the Mounties are in an educational mode right now and want to be reasonable.


He says the RCMP understand that it will take awhile for the community and youth to get used to the new bylaw.


Munro notes his members are just recording names right now, but will be keeping an eye on repeat offenders.