Situation Calms Between Clearwater And Oilsands

Tuesday, July 10, 2007 at 14:10



An official with the Department of First Nations and Metis Relations says the government will do its best to help broker a deal between Oilsands Quest and the Clearwater River Dene Nation.


Deputy minister John Reed says he hopes a clear dialogue can be established between the band, the company, and the government that will meet everyone’s approval.


On Friday, the band began allowing vehicles from Oilsands Quest to travel on Highway 955 after receiving a government letter that spelled out various obligations owed to the band by industry.


Reed says the government is doing its best to both consult and accommodate the Clearwater band over the development on their land.


Reed says some of the issues at the heart of the matter include environmental concerns and economic development.


Meanwhile, the President of an Alberta oil company says he’s glad a road-block on Highway 955 has come down.


Christopher Hopkins issued a news release today addressing the recent blockade of his company by the Clearwater River Dene Nation.


Hopkins says his employees had to be airlifted in for the past couple of weeks while the road to the exploration project was blocked.


He also says Oilsands Quest has completed its final relinquishment of exploration permits in Northwest Saskatchewan as required by the government.


Hopkins adds the company will continue to consult all aboriginal groups in the area as the project moves forward.


He would not take calls from the media.