Sides Move Closer To Agreement For Primrose Money

Friday, October 07, 2005 at 14:59



Talks between the government and members of the Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range Negotiating Committee took place yesterday in Beauval.


The two sides got together to do some fine-tuning of the economic development package announced for the communities of Ile-a-la-Crosse, Beauval, Jans Bay and Cole Bay.


Committee chair Alex Maurice says most of the issues have been settled. However, he says they are attempting to make the agreement a little clearer through some different definitions and re-wording.


Maurice says the meeting was attended by lawyers for the province and federal government, as well as some financial officials.


He adds the list of elders who are eligible for $10,000 honourarium associated with the agreement should be finalized before the deal is signed off on.