Saulteaux Youth Raise Awareness Of Suicide

Thursday, September 03, 2009 at 12:31



Youth at the Saulteaux First Nation youth have organized several events to highlight their concern about suicide.


Next week is National Suicide Awareness Week, and on Tuesday, yellow ribbons will be distributed in remembrance of suicides on the Saulteaux reserve.


The following day, a walk will be held from the school to Hwy. 4, with a police escort.


Kelly Wuttunee is the co-ordinator of the Pimatisiwin project, a youth-led pilot project to curb suicide.


She says the Saulteaux First Nation has had a high rate of suicide, so the topic is a huge concern on the reserve.


Bright yellow balloons will be launched after next week’s walk, in remembrance of each band member who has committed suicide.