Riding Association Dissatisfied with Laliberte

Tuesday, December 02, 2003 at 14:12



Rick Laliberte is not getting a ringing endorsement from the head of the Liberals’ Churchill River Constituency Association.


Roy Head says members of the association’s executive will be meeting in Prince Albert this Saturday to discuss the nomination process for next spring’s anticipated federal election.


Head says the executive will not stop Laliberte from running for the nomination again. However, in light of the controversy surrounding Laliberte’s travel spending, he says the executive would like to see someone else represent the Liberals in the next election.


Head says he and the executive are also getting this kind of feedback from outside the party.


Head says there are a few names that are being mentioned as possible challengers to Laliberte for the Liberal nomination in the riding, but no one has officially declared themself a candidate yet.