Residents Warned to Adhere to Boil Water Order

Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 13:50



A Saskatchewan Environment official says residents of Air Ronge are putting their health at risk if they’re ignoring a boil water order.


The boil water order was issued on May 31st over fears that a ruptured sewage line contaminated the water supply in the village and nearby reserves.


Since that time, 4 of the 11 tests taken from the Air Ronge water supply have come back positive for coliform bacteria.


Environment specialist Warren Kelly says those results, along with the possibility that there might be cryptosporidium in the water supply, make drinking the water at this stage very risky.


Kelly says both the Lac La Ronge Indian Band and the village hope to complete flushing their water systems over the weekend.


He says if tests on the water come back negative, the boil water order could be lifted by next Thursday.