Reserves Agree To Take Seatbelt Challenge

Thursday, May 07, 2009 at 15:41



Eight First Nations in the File Hills Qu’Appelle Tribal Council have joined the SGI Seatbelt Challenge.


The bands include the Standing Buffalo, Peepeekisis, Nekaneet, Star Blanket, Muskowpetung, Carry the Kettle, Pasqua, and Little Black Bear First Nations.


In 2008, 67 per cent of the people killed on reserve roads were not wearing seatbelts.


In December, the community with the greatest increase in seatbelt wearers will win an award — up to $50,000 worth of road safety improvements.


Little Black Bear band councillor Denise McNabb is leading the campaign on her reserve.


McNabb says the initiative could help prevent deaths on the reserve — and adds it’s something that all First Nations need.


SGI says a pilot seatbelt challenge last year involving other reserves resulted in an increase in seatbelt use.