Report Released Into Plane Mishap In La Ronge

Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at 14:58



The Transportation Safety Board has concluded that an incorrect part led to the collapse of the landing gear of a Norcanair plane that skidded off the runway at the La Ronge airport last year.


The mishap took place on September 21st as the Northern Dene Airways Metro III was making a landing after arriving from Stony Rapids.


Three passengers suffered minor injuries in the September 21st incident. Seven other passengers and the two crew members escaped unharmed.


In its investigation, the TSB found that a wrong part was used in the left landing gear assembly.


The federal agency also found that a check that might have revealed the problem was not performed.


TSB spokesman Peter Hildebrandt says this type of malfunction is not very common at all.


Since the accident, Northern Dene Airways has commissioned an independent safety audit of its operations, and the company that maintains the aircraft made changes to its maintenance procedures.


Hildebrandt would not identify the other company involved.


He also says it’s up to Transport Canada to decide if any action should be taken against either company.