Report Details Rapid Rise Of Mineral Exploration

Tuesday, September 09, 2008 at 15:01



The Mining Association of Canada has released a report detailing the state of the industry — and not surprisingly, Saskatchewan is said to be doing very well in this time of high commodity prices.


The association says the amount of money spent on uranium exploration in the province has grown 18 times over the last six years.


In 2002, companies spent just $41.6 million looking for the element, but that figure has grown to $316 million this year.


The association also says the value of uranium produced in Canada increased by 76 per cent in 2007, an upward trend it says should continue.


However, the MAC was unable to say how many Aboriginal people were working at mining operations, because numbers from the 2006 census weren’t yet ready.


The association says it hopes to sign another memorandum of understanding with the Assembly of First Nations sometime this fall.