“High Risk” Insulation In Five Reserve Structures

Thursday, August 25, 2005 at 15:48



Health Canada has classified five buildings on Saskatchewan reserves as being “high risk” due to insulation problems, but can’t guarantee they will be cleaned up.


Last year, it was learned that 79 structures in the province contained potentially cancer-causing material called Zonolite.


Some people believe the material contributed to three cancer-related deaths on a Manitoba First Nation.


Paul Duchesne of Health Canada says the five buildings were designated as being “high risk” because inspectors determined the Zonolite could come into contact with people.


However, he says Health Canada is not obligated to clean up the material, unless they receive the directive from the local chief and council.


Duchesne would not specify which reserves were affected.


However, he did say all bands can contact Health Canada if they want help in rectifying the problem.