Province Weighs In On Controversial Oilsands Deal

Wednesday, October 22, 2008 at 14:51



An official with the province’s Ministry of Energy and Resources says the government doesn’t know much about a recently-announced oil exploration deal in northwest Saskatchewan.


On October 15th, Blacksands Petroleum subsidiary Access Energy announced it had completed a joint venture agreement with a group called the La Loche Clearwater Development Authority.


The deal covers 3,000,000 hectares of land north and west of La Loche.


The company says the agreement must be ratified by the Aboriginal residents of the area on or before December 3rd.


However, Energy and Resources spokesman Roy Schneider says the company seems to have forgotten it hasn’t actually received a permit to drill anywhere in the province.


Schneider also notes the Metis Nation – Saskatchewan has voiced its objections to the agreement — meaning two groups are claiming to represent the Metis in these matters.


He wonders why the company isn’t going through the normal channels as far as the Metis are concerned, adding the province would assume that would be through the MN-S.


He says the next land sale in which the company could make bids is in December.


So far, the company’s president has not returned calls.