Province Renews Northern Capital Grants Program

Friday, October 17, 2008 at 14:31



The provincial government used a roundtable discussion between northern mayors and cabinet ministers in Prince Albert yesterday to make a funding announcement.


The province announced that the Northern Capital Grants Program will be renewed.


Minister responsible Bill Hutchinson says that means $7.2 million will be invested over the next five years into northern infrastructure.


One of the other topics up for discussion yesterday was the lack of northern representation on the government’s new economic development arm, Enterprise Saskatchewan.


Some of the mayors attending the meeting said Enterprise Saskatchewan should have someone on it who is from the north and is of Metis ancestry.


The minister responsible for Northern Affairs, June Draude, says she will do her best to step into that role on the Enterprise Saskatchewan board.


Meantime, New North chair Georgina Jolibois says there is also an issue centring around northern landfills.


She says municipal leaders want the government to help pay for the cost of decommissioning old landfills in favour of new ones.