Province Reaches Settlement With Carriere

Tuesday, February 27, 2007 at 15:12



The provincial government has agreed to an out-of-court settlement with a former high-ranking civil servant found guilty of assaulting two female co-workers.


Murdoch Carriere, formerly the head of the province’s forest fire protection branch, launched a lawsuit against the province following his dismissal in 2003.


The provincial minister in charge of the file at the time admitted she was risking legal action when Carriere was let go. Joanne Crofford made the decision following an independent investigation into Carriere’s co-workers’ allegations against him.


He was sentenced to six months’ probation last February for repeatedly hugging and kissing the women against their will.


Saskatchewan Environment Minister John Nilson says the province has agreed to pay Carriere $275,000 in exchange for him dropping the legal action.


Carriere will also be allowed to pay arrears of contributions to his pension plan.