Province Promised Presence On Truth Commission

Thursday, October 23, 2008 at 15:20



A commissioner from the Truth and Reconcilliation Commission says despite some recent setbacks, residential school survivors will get a chance to tell their stories.


Claudette Dumont-Smith says this week’s resignation of commission chairman Harry Laforme is unfortunate, but the group will move ahead.


At least one FSIN vice-chief in Saskatchewan has said the commission should get more representation from the province.


Dumont-Smith agrees the move would make sense, but hopes the position goes to the best-qualified applicant.


She says the Assembly of First Nations and the federal government will select the next commissioner through a joint process.


Dumont-Smith notes the commission hopes to be in Saskatchewan, listening to survivors tell their stories, sometime early next year.


She also says a regional representative from Saskatchewan will be appointed to help the commission along the way.