Province Capping VLT Numbers In Wake Of Study

Friday, March 16, 2007 at 14:09



The provincial government says it will not approve any new casino sites and it won’t increase the cap on VLTs.


The province is responding to the results of a new study it commissioned on the issue of problem gambling.


Minister Responsible Deb Higgins points out the study authors have concluded the relationship between VLTs and problem gambling is still unclear.


However, she says the government will introduce new measures to try to reduce the instances of problem gambling.


They include not allowing electronic fund transfers on VLTs or slots, and implementing mandatory responsible gaming training for VLT site contractors.


New regulations will also be developed regarding targeted marketing programs used by casinos.


The province’s halt on casino expansion does not include previously-approved casino developments in Swift Current and at the Whitecap Dakota First Nation near Saskatoon.