Proposal Made For June 2007 MNS Election

Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 13:41



The independent oversight committee appointed to help solve the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan’s election woes has put the finishing touches on a comprehensive election strategy.


According to a news release, the plan includes a proposal to hold an MNS election on June 27th.


That election would be overseen by the committee and a chief electoral officer that was appointed last June.


The MNS has seen its federal and provincial funding severed over allegations of ballot-box stuffing in the organization’s controversial 2004 election.


Several people have since been charged with election forgery in connection to that vote, including a couple of former high-ranking MNS officials.


Oversight committee chairperson Marilyn Poitras says her group’s plan would ensure Metis citizens in Saskatchewan could able to vote in a free and democratic election for the MNS executive.


Unlike previous Metis elections, voters’ lists would be strictly controlled through a central registration system to eliminate the possibility of list tampering. A province-wide voter registration campaign would be used to create the voter registry.


Poitras says provincial and federal government support for the plan is strong, but it’s up to Metis citizens to endorse the strategy.


The committee wants that endorsement to come at a special general assembly of Metis people in March, at which time the MNS constitution would also have to be amended.


However, before that can happen, Poitras says the committee needs the current Provincial Metis Council to approve the plan and call the assembly.


Poitras is optimistic they will, mainly because of the strong desire in the Metis community to resolve this issue.


Representatives of the PMC have not been immediately available for comment.