Property Crime Major Issue In La Ronge: Candidate

Thursday, October 08, 2009 at 13:15



One of the candidates in the race to become mayor of La Ronge says he believes property crime is one of the main issues that needs to be addressed.


Ron Woywotich is the executive director of the Kikinahk Friendship Centre, as well as a member of La Ronge town council.


He says he’s tired of venturing downtown and seeing broken windows on multiple buildings.


Woytowich believes he has the knowledge and experience to tackle tough issues like this, and he says he plans to be in La Ronge for the long haul.


“I have a great love for La Ronge. I’m not interested in running for anything else. I’m not interested in moving (away) from here. I just want to make La Ronge a better place,” he says.


Woytowich believes the race is wide open, as the incumbent mayor, Joe Hordyski, has chosen not to run again.


Woytowich is opposed in the campaign by Tracy Fiske, Al Loke and Thomas Sierzycki.