Progress Made at All-Weather Road Talks

Friday, April 16, 2004 at 13:46



A meeting held yesterday between members of the Athabasca Transportation Planning Committee and various government authorities could see developers charting a course for a northern all-weather road network as early as this year.


Committee head Glen Strong says both the province and the federal government agreed to split the costs of an environmental impact study to get the ball moving on the issue.


However, Strong says they didn’t get into the question of who will pay for the overall cost.


Strong says getting the assessment done is important as it will see developers actually venture out onto the land to examine first-hand where the road will be laid.


He explains that will also sharpen up initial estimates for the cost of the project, which is tagged at around 43 million dollars.


All he’s waiting for now is to receive written commitments from both levels of government.