Profs’ Censure Of FNUC Still Very Possible

Thursday, October 09, 2008 at 16:15



The president of a regulatory body for Canadian universities says a censure could still be handed down against the First Nations University of Canada.


That would mean that teachers all across the country would be advised to steer clear of the university.


Canadian Association of University Teachers president James Turk says the school cancelled a meeting in September, when he and other members were scheduled to meet with the FNUC’s board of governors.


Turk says the purpose of that meeting was to make sure that the university is serious about keeping politics out of its governance structure.


But he says his group was told only internal business would be discussed at that meeting, and as a result, it was cancelled.


Turk says the association doesn’t want to censure the school, but it will if FNUC officials refuse to meet with them.


According to Turk, the move could come at the association’s governors’ meeting in late November.


FNUC officials haven’t been available for comment.