Process Available For Survivors Of Serious Abuse

Friday, October 12, 2007 at 15:03



An agency that helps victims of serious physical and sexual abuse at residential schools is concerned not enough of the survivors know what their options are.


The Stardale Women’s Group is trying to get the word out about the Independent Assessment Process.


Spokesperson Helen McPhaden explains it’s an aspect of the Residential Schools Settlement Agreement that appears to be getting overlooked with all the attention paid to the Common Experience Payment.


McPhaden notes IAP applications also recently became available.


Lawyer Vaughn Marshall says payments from claims filed under the IAP will be much higher than the average CEP — with the top payouts at $525,000.


McPhaden says her group is mandated to help survivors who choose this compensation route cope with the process — which, unlike the CEP application, involves hearings.


Anyone with questions about the IAP is asked to visit Stardale’s website at or call (306) 752-1802.