Prince Albert Casino Celebrates 10 Years

Tuesday, March 07, 2006 at 14:37



The Northern Lights Casino is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.


Yesterday, general manager Richard Ahenakew thanked the public, the staff and First Nations’ chiefs for their help and participation over the years.


Ahenakew says when the casino first started, there were just 120 employees working at the facility.


That number now stands at 430.


He adds the casino supports numerous good causes in both Prince Albert and northern Saskatchewan.


Ahenakew also says Northern Lights might see another expansion in the near future, but it won’t result in more VLTs.


Meanwhile, the vice-chair of the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority says there has been some progress made on SIGA casino developments that are on the way in other parts of Saskatchewan.


Ed Henderson says the Dakota Dunes facility by Saskatoon is nearing construction. As well, lease agreements were just recently approved for a proposed facility in Swift Current.