Prentice Promises Housing Announcements

Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 14:44



Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice says he will soon announce more plans to improve Native housing as part of an effort to help Canada’s poorest reserves.


The Conservatives nixed the former Liberal government’s $5-billion Kelowna Accord, but Prentice says he will “get results” for Aboriginal people where the Liberals failed.


He promises “housing announcements in the days ahead.”


Prentice made the comments yesterday during his first visit to Pikangikum, an Ontario reserve about 300 kilometres northeast of Winnipeg plagued by suicides.


Most residents there lack indoor plumbing.


The Ojibwa community will receive $40 million over the next five years to connect it to the regional electrical grid, improve water and sewage services, and build up to 40 new houses and a new school.


(courtesy of The Canadian Press)